Thursday, 17 January 2013

Birthday Party

So Saturday was my cousins and best friends daughters 1st birthday party, they are the same person. This is my complicated family life...!
Basically my friend C who I have been friends with since we were 8 married my uncle. Not in a pervy way, I always like to see people reactions to this piece of information. The cogs turning as they imagine a girl my age with my 60 yr old uncle. He isn't 60 he is 30 something I think 32.

So this was my first big challenge since getting back on the weightwatchers wagon driving to destination skinny bitch.

Kids screaming everywhere, apart from mine who is obviously good as gold..! Poor kid as she sat down to eat her plate of scran a little boy vommed in her food, then his brother knocked orange juice all over her. She was not happy!

So the food, it was the typical kids picniccy food, dangerous territory. I had however been informed before hand that adults were not getting the food, we were getting cake. This would not have stopped me, usually I would have probably offered to help tidy away, shoving mini sausages into my face on the way to the kitchen. However I DIDN'T. I even helped passed the big beautiful slabs of chocolate birthday cake to all the adults. I am such a helpful friend. UNLIKE some people.. @eve_says_so I am grassing you up here.

I turns around and E had been standing with her back to me wolfing down a slice of cake hoping that I wouldn't spot her. I totally have pictorial evidence of this but I am stupid and can't work out how to upload pics to this blog.

So after the party I was feeling pretty smug not having eaten anything at all. We all pile back to aunty C's house. What do they decide to do...order Chinese. It could have been worse I suppose. Picture me quickly searching on my weightwatchers app for how many pro points is in prawn toast trying to kid myself that as it has fish in it, it must be healthy. Even though it is probs quadruple fried in lard. So I went for foo young, basically an omelette. I even made it through the 2nd offering of cake.

I had my weigh in on tuesday and I lost 7lbs so I guess the moral of the story is avoid cake. Hope that a kid pukes on the bad food in front of you to help in lessening your appetite. Also that if you do have a hard time at least when you get on the scales you normally get the result that you worked for.

So if you need me I will be at the gym :)


  1. Hello darling!
    Congrats to you for resisting birthday cake - although, that Eve is in trouble ;-) !!
    Don't sweat about Chinese, I'm currently dieting although don't really like the word diet and I'd say, "improving" my eating and fitness.
    I never deprive myself of anything and all everything in moderation. A good option when you order Chinese is Chicken & Mushroom with plain boiled rice, it's delicious and the WW points are kind to you :o) xxx

    1. Hi Hannah,

      I know that Eve is trouble!

      I know what you mean about the word diet it has negative connotations doesn't it. Kind of setting yourself up to fail the second you have finished dieting! I am trying to make changes to the way that I see food as well as pounding the gym!

      Thanks so much for your comment and support it means a lot.
